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Tom Brady Didn’t Endorse Donald Trump, Never Even Heard of Politics

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Image via Zimbio

Recently it was widely reported that New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady had informally endorsed billionaire blowhard Donald Trump for president. It wasn’t much of a surprise, given the “Make America Great Again” hat that had been spotted in his locker.

Two weeks ago Brady was asked for his thoughts on a potential Trump presidency during a radio interview ahead of the second GOP debate. His response: “I hope so. That would be great. There’d be a putting green on the White House lawn, I’m sure of that.”

For some reason the evil word-twisting media took that to mean that Brady had thrown his support behind Trump, his friend of more than a decade. All the guy said was that he hopes Trump wins and that it would be great to see him in the White House—an ambiguous statement at best.

Today Brady hit back against those in the media irresponsible enough to take him at his word. Since when is the word of anyone within the Patriots organization good for anything…except a laugh?

Speaking to WEEI Boston, Brady Said:

“I mean, look, I’ve known him for a long time. He’s been a fun guy that I’ve had a lot of time around. The fact that he’s running, it’s obviously led to a lot of stories and debates, and I know the ratings were huge for all those Republican debates and so forth.

One way or the other, it’s so far away from when the election will be. And whatever I vote is going to be my own personal choice based on how I feel. I don’t even know what the issues are. I haven’t paid attention to politics in a long time. It’s actually not something that I really even enjoy. It’s way off my radar.

It’s just a different world than when I started in professional football. Even an off-handed comment like that, like you said, that people may run with; and I understand why people do run with it because you get the clicks and that type of stuff. It’s just people doing their job. A comment like that, I try to have fun with certain things.”

You see? Tom Brady didn’t endorse his pal Donald Trump! For him, voting is a personal choice based on issues he doesn’t know about in an election he doesn’t care about. 

Seriously, you guys, this crap isn’t even on his radar. And it hasn’t been for a long, long time.

So just go back to trolling for clicks and quit dragging Brady into presidential election frivolity—he’s got football games to play. 

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